Marketing Coordinator - remote

Posted 3 years ago
At Podia, we’re building the best platform on the planet for creators to sell online courses, digital downloads, webinars, and memberships. 

We’re a fully remote company, have been around since 2014 helping creators earn millions, and are growing fast.

Your job will be to help us move faster, get more done, and reach more creators every day.

“Holy generic marketing buzzwords, Batman! What does that mean?”

In general, this is a role where you’ll be rolling up your sleeves and doing whatever it takes to ensure we succeed as a marketing team. “Whatever it takes” will vary from week to week depending on what we’re working on:

  • When we’re working on a product feature launch, you’ll be building outreach lists, writing marketing copy, talking to our affiliates, brand partners, and influencers to give them a heads up, and making sure all of the marketing bits go smoothly on launch day.
  • When we’re planning for our virtual summit, you’ll be acting as the PM for it, from keeping the project organized in Basecamp, to helping brainstorm speakers and sessions, to writing and setting up email, social, and partner campaigns to drive signups.
  • When we decide to prioritize growing our affiliate program over other marketing initiatives, you’ll take the lead on that, from running affiliate outreach, to organizing and hosting joint webinars, to executing on follow-up campaigns to help our partner’s leads convert.
  • When our content team is launching a new guide, you’ll build our promotion list, reach out to relevant partners to share the guide, and take ownership of spreading the word.

There are certain things you’ll consistently own, like reviewing affiliate program applications to ensure good partner fit, setting up email flows in Active Campaign, and creating new website pages in Contentful, but in general, the day-to-day of this role will be dynamic.

If that sounds like multiple jobs rolled into one, that’s because it is! But you’ll never be asked to do more than one of them at the same time, and you’ll never be working alone.

You’ll work directly with our CMO, Len Markidan. You’ll also partner with our content team, external marketing partners, and others across the organization on a variety of projects. 

But first, there are some things you should know about how we think about marketing.

At Podia, marketing is fundamentally about building trust with creators.

While we believe that being a creator is one of the most rewarding and empowering things anyone can do, it’s often a lonely, scary, and volatile path, especially in the early days.

We’re here to educate and equip creators — to show them what’s possible, and that we walk alongside them every step of the way.

We’re realistic about what it takes to succeed.

We don’t use black hat tactics to prey on vulnerable people looking for that “one weird trick” to generate passive income and sit on the beach. 

We’re trusted advisors to our creators, not “software vendors”, and everything across our marketing operation, from content to ads to webinars to emails, reinforces that.

We’re always eager to try new experiments and campaigns that make us a little uncomfortable because we haven’t done them before, but any “growth hack” we test with creators will be in their service, not at their expense.

If this marketing philosophy resonates with you, if you share our passion for helping creators earn money doing what they love, and if you’re excited by the idea of spending your days doing whatever it takes to move our marketing operation forward, then we’d love to chat!

We’re looking for someone with:

  • A passion for marketing. When you’re not practicing marketing, you’re nerding out on marketing podcasts, YouTube channels, and blogs to learn about what the best marketers are doing and thinking about how to apply it to your own work. 🧠 
  • A Swiss army knife marketing skill set. You don’t have to be the very best copywriter, email marketer, webinar host, partnership marketer, event organizer, or social media manager, but you’re not afraid to do any of those things, picking up and running with whatever the most high-impact need is at the time. 🧰
  • A high bar for quality. Even though you may not be an expert in every marketing discipline, you know how to figure out what excellence looks like in any of them, and chart a path for getting us there. You don’t tolerate sloppy deliverables or things slipping through the cracks. 🏆
  • Organizational prowess. You know how to build a project in a PM tool (we use Basecamp, but experience there isn’t required), track things meticulously, and keep the team informed on progress. You can see blockers from a mile away, and you’re not afraid to bring them up. 🗄️ 
  • Comfort with change. Your day-to-day responsibilities will look completely different depending on what’s going on that week, and you’re okay — ideally, better than okay! — with that variability. 🕶️
  • Full-time availability. We love freelancers, but this is a full-time job for someone who wants to be a key player on our team for the long-haul. ⌚
  • At least 4 hours of daily overlap with US Eastern Time.
  • 2+ year experience working in a marketing role. Maybe you’ve been a “marketing team of one” at a startup, or part of a larger team, but you’ve had first-hand experience doing the work yourself. 🖊️

It’d be REALLY great if you also:

  • Have created and/or sold an online course, membership, or download before 🤑
  • Have worked with digital creators before 💡

Here’s what you’ll get if you join us:

  • Competitive compensation. We want to hire the best people, and we’re ready to pay for them. We use a standardized salary scale set at the 90th percentile of US salaries for each role—regardless of where you are in the world 💰
  • Ultimate flexibility. We try to have some overlap time every day, but outside of that, work whenever and wherever you work best 🗺️
  • That said, the rest of the team is always ready to lend a hand—or even an ear if you just need to bounce some ideas 💡
  • You’ll be working with a diverse team from a range of countries and backgrounds. We work hard to make Podia an inclusive workplace for everyone 🌈
  • We have a rapidly growing base of passionate customers. Your work will be seen and appreciated by many people ❤️
  • Great benefits including three weeks paid vacation (plus another week during the December holidays), sabbaticals every three years, professional development credit, paid family leave, a new laptop every three years, and more ☺️
  • (Paid for) annual retreats to spend time with the team and have fun together (or a still-pretty-great virtual retreat when there’s a global pandemic) ✈️

Sound like you? Want to be part of a smart, nimble, motivated team working hard to build something big?

We’ve been around since 2014, have the greatest customers in the world, and a team that will stop at nothing to help our creators win.

If that sounds like something you want to be part of, we want to hear from you 📣

About the hiring process:

Interested in joining our team? Great!

We’ll begin reviewing applications immediately, and continue to review them until the job is filled. We heavily weigh the answers to our application form rather than data from LinkedIn or resumes. We typically reduce the candidate pool down to a small handful who move on to a small test project.

The project phase is a short paid test project, run very much like something you could expect to do if you were hired for the role. We’ll give you a week to complete the project, but expect that you’ll only need ~4 hours.

We’ll review the test projects, provide feedback in a single revision round for promising projects, and then based on the results of the revision round, select candidates to go on for interview.

You’ll have three total interviews over Zoom, including:

  • The CMO (Hiring manager)
  • The Director of Content
  • The CEO

The last interview will be with Spencer, our CEO, who can answer any questions you have about the broader goals and workings of the company.

After that, we'll decide on our final candidates and ask for professional references from both a previous co-worker and a manager. We'll reach out to those references to set up a brief 10 minute call or email.

Finally, all going well, we'll make a written offer to the successful candidate which can be signed electronically 🥳

We’re looking forward to chatting 🙂