Internal System Software Engineer - remote

Posted 2 years ago
Internal Systems Software Engineer

We're seeking an engineer who will be primarily focusing on billing sub-system of our application. We use Stripe (via API) for billing, and the microservice which deals with Stripe is implemented in PHP.  At this position, you will be working with Stripe API a lot (we're using recurring billing with some non-trivial mechanics) in order to bring our billing to the next level. Having experience working in e-commerce would be definitely useful for this role. 

Here are the skills required for this position:

  • Decent experience with PHP7+ (at least 2+ year of experience)
  • Decent experience with raw SQL (writing queries with no ORM)
  • Experience writing auto tests (unit tests) in PHP 
  • Experience implementing billing (preferably, recurring billing) 

Good things which are not a must-have:

Here are the things we’d definitely like you to know, but they are not a must-have, in the end.

  • Optional: Experience in designing a database (tables + indexes) would be a bonus. Like, have you ever used "explain analyze" to figure out why things are not as smooth as you wanted?
  • Optional: Experience working with Stripe API (have you ever worked on recurring billing with Stripe?)
  • Optional: Having production-grade experience with PayPal API via PHP
  • Optional: Experience working with WordPress (in particular, the development and implementation of Wordpress plugins)
  • Optional: Experience implementing UI in React (preferably, with MUI library)