Growth Minded, All-Star Community and Events Manager - remote

Brand Growth Experts
Posted 3 years ago
This is a dream role designed for someone who is high-achieving, growth-driven, and believes there is more to life than getting a job at a mega-corporation and counting the days until retirement (or layoffs…)

Dear All-Star Community Manager,

• Are you ready to advance your career, but don’t want to be a cog in a wheel at a large company?
• Would you like the opportunity to live and work abroad, but don’t want to come home from a year of “teaching English” and be behind in your career?
• Do you want to start your own company, but you are not sure where to start?
• Are you interested in building relationships with inspiring entrepreneurs and marketers from around the world? 

If you’ve always been a people person and expert communicator and would like to take those skills to the next level -- while at the same time learning the crucial entrepreneurial skills you need to grow your first company -- this could be the opportunity you’re looking for.

But before I tell you more about the opportunity, I should probably introduce myself.

Who am I?

I’m a Fulbright-Scholar-Turned-Founder of a fast-growing marketing and education company. 12 years ago I graduated from college and received a Fulbright Fellowship to live and work in China, where I was introduced to Tony Hsieh, Sir Ken Robinson, and a bunch of other brilliant entrepreneurs.

I returned to the US hungry to start a business, but after all my “formal education,” I still knew nothing about being an entrepreneur…

So I got a job as the “right-hand man” to a FORBES 30 under 30 CEO, where I learned through hands-on experience how to build a multi-million dollar online business through direct response marketing.

I started as the 3rd employee, and two years later, I was heading the 15+ person sales team for a company ranked #168 on the Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Companies list that did $10 million in revenue.

Four years later, I started a digital marketing business, and now I host a successful podcast with over 40,000 monthly listeners and have a community of over 220 eCommerce business owners and marketers who I help grow from 6 to 7 figures and beyond.

Here’s what I’ve learned:

Truth: The pursuit of growth is imperative for the success of your business and to a life well-lived.

Sad Reality: Too many founders grind themselves (and their employees) into the ground in the never-ending pursuit of more.

Most entrepreneurs get stuck in working on the day-to-day aspects of their business and don’t know who to turn to get advice on the decisions that will make their lives easier and their businesses grow.

Years go by, key life events are missed, all in the pursuit of “someday money.” 

It doesn’t have to be this way.

I believe it’s possible to build a great company and live a great life at the same time. This belief is what motivates our company to help our clients each and every day.

Opportunity: Work as a community and event manager for a fast-growing company that helps multi-million dollar eCommerce companies (like MVMT Watches, Kettle and Fire, and Dr. Axe) scale up.

You will be in a privileged position to learn from some of the most successful companies in the world and find out what makes them successful.

Initially, we’re looking for someone who can hit the ground running and help us build our world-class coaching community and training resource for eCommerce entrepreneurs.

Over the long-term, we’re seeking someone who can run and manage the operations in our business. We have a small company that is growing. Personal and career development must be something you value and desire.

Skills We’re Looking For:

I am looking for someone who…

Loves people and people love you. You’ve often been told you’re a warm person and you build rapport easily (both in-person and through written communication). The vast majority of this role is going to be interacting with and thinking about people. You must enjoy that or this isn’t going to work! 
Is a team player who is growth-driven, positive, and open-minded. This is a core value of our business and the most important factor in your success. 
Is a self-starter who won’t take no for an answer. You love to take initiative and figure things out on your own. Some might say you’re allergic to being micromanaged. 
Is a polished writer who communicates clearly. You’re comfortable creating content and editing his or her own work without much oversight.
Is curious about WHY things work the way they do. You’re always asking questions and thinking about how processes can be improved.
Is a finisher and does what they say they are going to do the first time. Do you hate leaving projects unfinished? Does it drive you nuts when someone doesn’t do what they say they are going to do? You’ll fit in here :)
Is incredibly detail-oriented. You’re the type of person who doesn’t mark a task as complete until all the boxes have been checked (and double-checked). 
Is tech-savvy and feels at home troubleshooting tech issues. You don’t have to build our membership site, but you do need to feel comfortable diving into unknown SaaS software and learning how it works without a lot of hand-holding.
Is able to travel within the United States and abroad. We have 4 offsites per year, and anywhere from 2-4 events. You’ll need to be able to (and get excited about) attend these 3-5 day events and team meetings.

Bonus Skills:
• Community management experience is not required but is definitely a bonus. However, we’re happy to train the right candidate if you have the other qualifications noted in the section above. 
• Has a strong grasp of social media. If you know how to get likes, comments, and shares….we want your help! 

Who This is Not For:

• Someone who thinks that learning is over when school is over.
• Someone who is only motivated by a boss telling them to work harder.
• Someone who doesn’t believe that how you feel on the inside directly correlates with how you perform in life and business.
• Someone who isn’t comfortable solving their own problems. 

We Hire Characters Not Positions:

We’re a small company with big aspirations, and we work hard (and have a LOT of fun) while making that happen. If you have what it takes as an individual - in other words, if you’re a consistent high-achiever in everything you do in life - then you'll fit in well at our company.

We Hire the Best, Regardless of Their Location.

Unlike other jobs, we don’t believe that what you do should dictate where you live.

Our clients run businesses all over the world, and we believe flexibility in where you work leads to better performance and happiness. Performance and attitude is the most important aspect of this job, not clocking hours in the office or water cooler politics.

Want to set up shop at a co-working space in Mexico City, or put the finishing touches on an email while at a sidewalk cafe in Lisbon? Fine with us.  As long as you can work on a US timezone, we’re cool with it.

We’re looking for people who can demonstrate they hold themselves to a higher standard in everything they do, because with great flexibility comes great responsibility.

All this flexibility doesn’t mean we’re not a close-knit team…

For your first month, you’ll be working side-by-side with the CEO in Austin, Texas, and after that, you’ll have daily meetings and quarterly retreats to make sure we’re growing stronger as a team (our previous retreats have been held in Santa Barbara, ATX, LA, etc).

Responsibilities Include (But are not limited to):

• Working closely with the founder to come up with new ideas for how we can better serve our clients and executing them with little hand-holding or follow up.   
• Onboarding new clients personally to make sure they get connected with the right resources to ensure their experience working with us is incredibly powerful. 
• Starting and facilitating communication threads within our online community. That includes connecting people who should know each other, tagging people who might want to chime in and organizing our forum with a clear focus on improving the experience for our members. 
• Organizing and hosting live events both virtually and in-person at locations around the US and internationally. This includes scheduling expert speakers, locking down venues, coordinating logistics, and making sure the event moves forward smoothly. 
• Researching and proactively bringing in top experts from outside our community, as well as smart entrepreneurs from inside our community, to host valuable training for our clients. 
• Building relationships with key industry partners to lead community trainings, provide special benefits for our members, sponsor events, and co-host meetups. 
• Writing a compelling and valuable weekly community email highlighting the best parts of our community each week. As a little test of your attention to detail, please make sure you include the words “Blue Canary” in the first paragraph of your cover letter.
• Help facilitate local community meetups for our members across the globe. We’ve got clients from Melbourne to Tel Aviv and few things are more valuable than helping them get together in-person. 
• Become “the brain” of our support team and be the person we rely on to answer tough questions from our clients. 

Salary and Benefits:

• This is a full-time, salaried position
• Salary is dependent on experience
• One month paid sabbatical for each full year of employment
• Stipend for health insurance
• Flexibility to work from anywhere (remote) 
• Opportunity to plan and go on epic events 
• Ability to interact and build relationships with incredibly inspiring entrepreneurs from around the globe

How To Apply:

No exceptions - in order to apply please provide the following.

1) Write a COVER LETTER addressing the following questions:

a) Why do you think you'd be the “All-Star Community Manager” we’re looking for?

Describe why you’re a consistent high-achiever. Give SPECIFIC examples of past achievements and/or accolades related to your successes.

(TIP) If you literally only had 30 seconds with me in an elevator, what would you say is your biggest accomplishment?

b) What are the last three books you've read?

c) What do you do for fun?

d) What do you think motivates people to engage in an online community? How would this inform your approach to community management for Brand Growth Experts?

e) What is attractive to you about this position?

2) Create ONE document (Word or PDF) that contains both your custom cover letter and your resume. Cover letter first, resume second.

3) Click the “Apply Now” button on this page or follow the link here to our application page.