Frontend Engineer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
We’re looking for a mid or senior-level front-end developer
We're looking for a mid or senior-level front-end developer to jump into a variety of projects. Due to the size of our team, this isn’t a great fit for someone fresh out of school or looking for their first role.

You’ll work closely with the rest of our team to implement new designs and iterate on existing web apps. We primarily use Vue and Tailwind as front-end frameworks. But we care more about your talent and willingness to learn than experience with a particular framework. 

Eye for design
The ideal person for this role is passionate about good design and cares about getting the little details right. You’re not a designer, but you’re not afraid to open a Figma file either. 

We want to help you grow and are happy to create time and resources for you to learn new skills, but we don’t believe in micromanaging so you need to be able to take tasks and run with them.

Excellent communication skills
Communication is the key to just about everything in life, and this job is no different. We value communication skills over intense experience building scalable applications

What it's like to be a Kritter
On an average day at Krit, you’ll check in whenever works best for you, typically between 8am and 10am EST. You’ll start the day by posting your top 3 priorities in Slack to let your team members know what you’re working on.

From there you’ll spend most of your day working through Jira tickets, we try to keep everyone limited to 1-2 active clients at a given time to reduce context switching. We track all of our time using Toggl at Krit, but we set reasonable expectations for billable work and expect you to take plenty of breaks throughout the day.

Depending on the day you may collaborate with a team member on a solution to a frontend challenge, work with the client’s team in Slack to track down a bug, attend a sprint planning meeting, or help to estimate work for a new project. We start to wind our day down with Standup, where we also spend some time getting to know each other with a random, non-work related question each day. 

You’ll be a human, not a number
While we’re not perfect, we are crazy-passionate about creating a great place to work. We’re striving to build a culture that’s respectful, kind, supportive, and challenging. You won’t just be a number here, you’ll have a measurable impact on the direction of the business.

You’ll be a part of an inclusive, transparent company
One of our goals is building a more diverse company. To us, this means diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, ability, and national origin. We strongly believe in building an inclusive workplace where everyone feels safe and invited. We are also a fully transparent company. We share our finances, salaries, pipeline, and more.

You’ll be part of an engaged team
Every day at 4:15 pm EST we have a standing meeting where we check in and make sure we're staying on track. Once a month we have a team meeting where we look at project management, our finances, and the pipeline. Once a month you'll also have a one-to-one meeting with Austin (our Creative Director) where you'll look at your goals, progress, and be encouraged to give us feedback.

All roles at Krit come with:
💸Competitive salary + profit sharing
We’re looking for a Level 3 or Level 4 Developer or above for this role. Our salaries and raise process are completely transparent, you can see our Compensation Model here. Everybody is paid based on their role, and years of experience.

All full-time team members also participate in our yearly profit-sharing program.

If you’re based in the US we offer competitive healthcare plans, as well as dental and vision insurance and access to a 401k. 

🏖Vacation days
All Krit employees get 15 vacation days (effective immediately) as well as 10 company holidays. Sick days don’t count as vacation, if you’re sick don’t make it worse with work. 

🌎Remote, United States
While we have a home base in Charleston, SC, most of our team is remote. For this role, we are only considering applicants who are eligible to work in the United States.

🕰Flexible hours
Everyone is different. As long as you can be available for team meetings and are able to communicate effectively with the team, work when you work best. We do expect you to average about 6 billable hours per day.

💻Equipment budget
Every new employee gets $2,500 to spend on equipment, so you can pick whatever works best for you.

☕️Co-working/Coffee budget (Remote)
We want you to have the space you need to do your best work. We’ll give you up to $200 per month to put towards a co-working space. Or if you prefer going to a coffee shop a few times a week then we’ll cover the coffee tab.

👼Paid family leave
We offer a family leave plan of up to 4 weeks paid vacation and 4 weeks unpaid regardless of your gender.

How to apply
First, submit an application. If we think you could bring something new to the team, we’ll schedule a short, 30-minute phone interview with Andrew, our CEO. During this time, you’ll get to know each other and dive into your background.

If the phone interview indicates you’re a good addition to the team, you’ll be given a take home assignment and we’ll schedule a more in-depth technical interview with our team.

The technical interview will consist of 3 parts:

  • Get to know the other Kritters and talk about your past projects.
  • Code review - we’ll review the code you’ve written and talk through your decisions.
  • System design - we’ll present a project and talk through the design and architecture of the system with you. We will be looking for you to communicate effectively, write clean code, and discuss architecture trade-offs.

  • We would love to fill this position by July 1 or sooner, but we're flexible. During the process we’ll do our best to let you know if it’s not going to be a good fit. Thank you for taking the time to read this far, we can’t wait to meet you!