Frontend developer (Bootstrap) - remote, full-time - build great brands with us

Posted 3 years ago
We build great eCommerce brands.
Our company builds and operates popular direct-to-consumer brands (it's great as we don't have to deal with annoying clients).

We are looking for someone to help us in building frontend Templates based on Bootstrap and later integrating them with our existing platforms. You will help us launch more brands in the European and Asian market.

- Proficient with modern JavaScript / TypeScript conventions and patterns
- Experience with React.js (or similar frameworks) and good understanding of it’s best practices
- Familiar with the Node.js / Webpack ecosystem
- Experience in handling communication via GraphQL and RESTful APIs
- Ability to write semantic, accessible HTML
- You have experience building user-facing products
- Understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues
- Capability of developing clean, reusable UI components
- Familiarity with version-control systems, such as git
- Plus: PHP 7.3+

Most of our Projects use the following technology stack:
- Neos CMS
- Neos Fusion AFX
- TYPO3 Fluid
- jQuery
- TypeScript
- Bootstrap 4.5+
- Sass / SCSS
- Webpack
- Bitbucket
- DDEV / Docker (Development only)

- This is a long-term position. Please do not apply if you do not intend to stay at least 6 months.
- Starting  salary is 2500 USD / mo
- International team with offices in 2 continents and 20+ employees
- This is a remote position with the option to work in our office in Malta.
- We work in EU and Asia time zones where we have some overlapping hours.

- Send us a short message with your past experience, tell us something about yourself.
- Please include a link to your CV and the link to your Portfolio/sample works.
- Please use 'BT02' in your subject line so we know you've read this post.
- Please include your Skype ID so we can hop on a call.
