Front End Web Developer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
Saucepos is seeking a front-end or full-stack web developer whose skill set compliments that of the company's technical founder.  This is primarily a front-end position, but additional back-end skills are preferred.  You'll be the #2 developer and have a big impact while working directly with the founder.  You'll shape a small company by applying your talent and passion in your own way.  As Saucepos grows, you'll also be encouraged and supported in expanding your horizons.  The right candidate for this position can earn equity following a vesting schedule.

You should be passionate about what you do, and love your work as much as we do.  You must take responsibility for your area and contribute to Saucepos's success.  We're looking for someone who can say “Yes, that's me!” to the following:
  • PROBLEM SOLVER who goes deep to understand the problem, considers/experiments with various solutions and finds optimal path, and learns on the fly to overcome any and all obstacles
  • WELL GROUNDED with object-oriented and functional foundations upon which to learn new APIs and libraries, and architect code in a way that encourages flexibility, modularity, and reuse
  • WELL ROUNDED thus can wear the hat of an architect, designer, project leader - not just a programmer
  • CLEVER in that you solve challenging problems in ways that look effortless and simple
  • PROACTIVE in squashing bugs before they surface to others
  • SUCCINCT but comprehensive in both the code you write and your communications with team members
  • PERFECTIONIST who writes self-documenting code, refactors to lower technical debt and increase maintainability, and iterates to create delightful consumer experiences
  • SELF-AWARE in that you work autonomously but know when to seek design, architecture, or specialized input
  • OPINIONATED when discussing your area of expertise with your boss
First Project
You'll be responsible for a number of projects involving online food ordering.  The first one revolves around building the online ordering feature of Saucepos's restaurant management software.  The feature will reside on the listing pages of what’s basically a restaurant directory website, which you’ll also build.  While Saucepos's mobile app and back-end are already implemented, this front-end piece is mostly greenfield.  As the company's first web dev, your design decisions and engineering skill will shape architecture and best-practices affecting this and future web-based projects.
  • FRONT END requires React, TypeScript, MobX experience.  (This stack choice may be up for debate by a candidate who's highly skilled in an alternative like Redux, Vue, or Angular and can build a strong case for switching)  You'll need to integrate with some APIs with which you're probably unfamiliar.  The main page needs a search feature using Google's location API.  The site must also have functionality for adding a listing, including integrating with Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL).  HTML/CSS skills are a plus, in which case you'd also be tasked with implementing the web design.
  • BACK END prefers MongoDB experience since you'd use its geospatial search and paging capability.  The back-end is an Asp.Net Core 2.2 web API, so experience with it is also a plus.
Benefits include:
  • Competitive salary depending on experience
  • Meaningful equity
  • Work remotely from anywhere
  • Opportunity to grow
  • Work-life balance encouraged
  • RT ticket to annual retreat in Thailand (optional)
How to Apply
Please send your CV or LinkedIn profile, along with the following information:
  • List your years of experience with React and TypeScript, and MobX or Redux.  If applicable, include your Asp.Net Core, MongoDB, and/or HTML/CSS design experience.
  • List professional and pet project web apps that you've worked on.  For each, describe its state management and your contribution to development.  Provide project links when available.
  • Expected salary range

We also want to get a sense of how you think. To that end, please share your take on the following questions:
  • What's your favorite programming language?  Why?
  • Show some code you’ve written that you’re proud of, if possible.
  • What’s inspired you lately?  What are you excited about in programming these days?
  • What was the last thing you learned?

We value great writers, so take your time with the application. Stock cover letters won’t do – tell us why you want this job, not just any job.  We’ll let you know that we’ve received your application and what the next steps are. We can’t wait to hear from you!