Founding Frontend Engineer - remote

Posted 2 years ago
What We’re Building

Keko is building an on-chain synthetic asset protocol that turns any rankable set of things into a data driven market.

E.g hold an $ELON synthetic asset on our influencers market &watch it gain value as Elon gains more influence and popularity based on his various social media metrics.

Our first market will be a DeFi Protocol Performance Market that aims to peg values to TVL &overall market performance - rather than speculation. We are interested in lessening the role of speculation in price discovery to create more stable assets for prudent investors.

These markets float freely, trading on a permissioned AMM.  However, we will use a stablisation mechanism to drive derivative spot prices towards their target prices.

We have been actively designing the protocol, and will be releasing a whitepaper in the coming weeks.

Applications of the tech

- Brand/influencer tokens for high-fame individuals/entities that are too busy to maintain coin incentives
- Perpetual sports betting, for example : Football Markets tracking teams and players performance
- Derivatives of existing assets that track real KPIs

We see Keko being used to create 10s of markets each containing 100s of derivatives.

Our Team &Working for Us

The company was co-founded by Kiran (CTO, tech &business) &Vincent (CEO, legal &business)  - both of whom have experience working for venture backed blockchain firms.

The team is composed of an entertainment executive, a creative director, a communications lead and the aforementioned legal, tech and business capacities through our co-founders. Every member of the team is expected to operate within their core competencies and leadership is flat.

We’ve raised enough capital to date to provide a sufficient runway to sustain the existing team and expand, However, we are effectively a pre-seed startup.

Our team is based globally, with 5 of us currently spread across North America, South America &Europe. Currently between UTC -8/-7 &UTC 0/1.

We’re a chill group of diverse people, working to build a friendly but high performance remote work environment.

While location isn’t an issue for us, we fix our stand up meetings to 5pm London time (either 4pm or 5pm UTC) - so your working hours will need to overlap with this time!

If you’re based in Lisboa or Toronto you will have the opportunity to work in a hybrid environment.


We are planning to release a fully functional demo in early Q4, running on an EVM testnet.

You will be responsible for developing the frontend application, for our dApp, while the CTO works on the core protocol.

We would like to build the dApp frontend in Next.js (React), using ChakraUI, Recoil, Ethers.js &Typescript. However, we are flexible as we are working from a blank slate.

As our first market will be DeFi protocol derivatives, our initial user base will be cryptonatives. However, as we plan to expand into new frontiers, we will need to ensure our dApp is extremely user friendly - our goal is to target an untapped market.

You will be the first developer hired by the team, and will effectively become the lead frontend engineer. As we grow as a company, your role will manifest into leadership, as we onboard more frontend engineers. 

This means

- Building a maintainable and well designed frontend architecture from a blank slate
- Collaborating with our design lead to develop UI components
- Attention to detail when building user experiences
- Devise best practices for project management, handling tickets and submitting code
- Onboarding new frontend engineers
- Reviewing the code of other engineers and helping them grow
- Making sure UI tasks get completed on time / making realistic estimations
- Attend meetings with the CEO &CTO to discuss solutions to problems, progress &provide input
- Being comfortable working in a fast pace environment

- Flexible work schedule
- Chance to build up a startup around your knowledge and ways of working
- Equity offered on a vested schedule (5 - 10% of the company), this will infer an amount of $KEKO tokens when we launch our token
-Competitive living wage salary to cover your expenses while we build and raise a round. Paid in stablecoins
- Hybrid working opportunities if based in Lisboa or Toronto

## To Apply, DM @RealKinando with :

- Github
- Cover letter
- CV
- A demo to play with
- Your experience in Fintech/DeFi/NFT frontend development
- The stack you usually develop with
- Your work availability within the next 6 - 8 weeks