Experienced Software Project Manager - remote

Posted 2 years ago
We are a tiny, but growing, agency with a lot of requests coming from all angles, for projects of all sizes. Currently, our most commonly used project management systems are... the Director’s brain, and also a project-specific Slack channel. We are looking to get organized and we need your help!

Phase 1:

Design &Implement a task/project management system, able to accommodate our many different forms of projects.
  • One-off tasks, or small single-milestone projects
  • Larger multi-milestone projects
  • Archive and un-archive old projects reliably (changes/bugfixes come in all the time)
  • Ensure everyone can see a 1-page summary of all their tasks at any time

Phase 2:

Stay on the team part-time to maintain this system!
  • Keep track of projects’ Slack channels. Assist the team with creating &editing tasks.
  • Nudge people to update their progress in the system.
  • Speak with the Director daily to funnel new projects into the system.

Phase 3:

Maintain some documentation for these systems.

  • Someone highly experienced with task management or project management apps. Experience organizing an asynchronous team of designers/developers?

  • Someone who understands software development &the collaboration tools used (e.g. designing with Adobe/Figma tools, contributing code with GitHub). Some web development experience would really help.

  • Someone with excellent organizational skills. Do you think you’d be good at tracking progress for many jobs of many sizes?

  • Someone with an excellent English writing and speaking ability, &enjoys writing in particular.

  • Someone who has played some Minecraft multiplayer?

We are a young company — we have constantly dabbled with project management tools, but nothing has really “stuck” and it has become clear that any tool would need a dedicated manager. This would be someone with experience &opinions on how project management should be done.

Can you help us build a system that tells us:
  • what work needs to be done
  • when the work should ideally be finished
  • what everybody is doing &when they think they’ll be finished
You are free to choose any project management tool, provided you can explain how it fits all our needs. We are open-minded and ready to talk through any of your suggestions.

You will be communicating via Slack messages on a daily basis. You are free to schedule voice calls with anyone from the team, but we don’t imagine you’ll need to do that often.

Unlimited holiday, and the ability to choose your own working hours (though we do ask that you are contactable 7 days a week — see “Salary &Hours” section below).

This is a relaxed, independent working environment, with an asynchronous communication style. Most of our existing "project management" occurs in Slack channels where we post updates on our progress. You will be added to every project’s channel.

Once the systems are created, our budget &requirements only allow for a $800-$1500 per month, part-time contract, to maintain them.

On top of that, a bonus can be negotiated upon a successful integration of a project management tool, and all parties are satisfied with its speed, flexibility, &ease of use.

Again, this is a part-time job — as long as task boards are kept up-to-date, and daily communication with the Director is maintained, everyone’s happy. We do ask that you are contactable 7 days a week (having Slack on your mobile is sufficient) because there may not be work every day.