DevOps Engineer - remote LLC
Posted 3 years ago

Job Type and Pay:

We are looking for a seasoned DevOps Engineer with significant skills and experience. Pay will be in accordance with abilities, skills, experience, etc...

  • Full time - we expect people to put in 40 hrs a week or more
  • Fully Remote.
  • No agencies.
  • Salary: $15-$35/hr USD as a contractor - depending on skills, experience, proficiency in our tech stack, etc...
  • Equity is also available for outstanding applicants and those with leadership abilities - people who can take on a leadership role.

Necessary Experience

Must have professional experience in the following:

  • Django OR Flask experience
  • Docker: Dockerfiles + containers orchestration of choice (docker-compose, ECS, kubernetes)
  • AWS OR Azure OR Google cloud
  • Git: basic ops + history manipulation (rebase, interactive rebase, stashing, patches)

The Ideal Candidate:

The Ideal Candidate has solid understanding and usage experience of most of the following technologies while willing to learn the rest:

- Python  

  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • pip8
  • pytest
  • flake8
  • mypy, typing
  • pdb

  - JS  

  • node
  • npm
  • react

- Docker  

  • Designing docker images
  • docker-compose
  • WSL2+docker

- Linux administration  

  • Bash Shell
  • make

- GIT  

  • Advanced history manipulation

- PostgreSQL  

  • Basic DBA skills

- AWS  

  • CloudFormation
  • CloudFront
  • Lambda
  • API Gateways
  • ECR+ECS+Fargate
  • Secrets Manager and Systems Manager
  • Event Bus
  • IAM
  • and more...

- Serverless Framework

Extra tech and experience is a plus.

If you're missing too much experience, you can still apply as an intern.