Copywriter Needed for Martial Arts &Fitness SaaS - remote

Spark Membership
Posted 2 years ago

We run a marketing software in the gym/fitness/martial arts space and need a solid copywriter to:

- Promote upgrades to members

- Create FB &email content promoting new features and tying them into the specific business problems they solve and results they create

- Creating webinar launch sequences to fill webinars with members for education &selling upgrades

- Create relationship building emails/FB posts that deliver value in a personable, narrative-driven fashion (e.g. business stories from founders that teach valuable lessons while also creating likability, etc.)

- Keep a stream of testimonials flowing in our FB groups (using something like Canva to create nicely presented quotes from members)

- Create automated email + SMS flows for sales, onboarding, etc.

- Create flash sale campaigns for our members to help them sell trial memberships to their gyms (each month we release marketing packs to help them convert their leads)

- Create simple FB content our members can use on their own business pages (fitness motivation, quotes, etc. -- simple captions that our graphic designer will them create graphics for)

Need someone familiar with:

- Product launches
- Direct response
- Infotainment
- Scarcity &urgency
- Storytelling
- Relationship building
- Going for the reply

Looking for a copywriter who is:

- Concise
- Writes in short, punchy sentences
- A ninja of emoji usage 
- Uses simple language even a child can understand 
- Writes with excitement and enthusiasm
- Can adapt voice to different markets (e.g. business owners, parents, adults looking for fitness, etc.) 

Please include:

- Samples of emails
- Samples of social content
