closed vacancyBored of working on CRUD apps? Get paid to make hyper-casual web games! - remote

Koji - Web App Development Platform
Posted 4 years ago

tl;dr: We want you to make fun web games that ordinary people can remix using our platform. We will pay you $500 per game. These are simple games, so they shouldn't take you too long to create. Interested? Read on!

Koji is a platform that lets non-coders "remix" games and apps to customize game assets, styles, and basic mechanics. We are excited to work with developers to grow our catalogue of games and let ordinary people remix them into new games that are hilarious, shocking, silly, fun, or all of the above!

If you have ever wanted to get paid to make fun games and reach potentially millions of people with your work, this is your opportunity. Koji games have been remixed and shared by all kinds of people, including celebrities, influencers, and athletes from around the world! Koji games embed natively in Reddit, Snapchat, and Instagram, and can be played from any device and on any browser.

We are looking for developers of all skill levels to create fun, engaging games that are easy to remix and customize. These games should NOT be complex. Game formats that work well on Koji include things like endless runners, puzzles like Candy Crush, new takes on classic arcade games, etc. Think of these things like the next evolution of Flash games, not the next Skyrim :)

There are already hundreds of game templates on Koji, some of our favorites include:

You can see more of our favorites at

These games are created using Javascript, and are adapted to Koji through the inclusion of a few extra JSON files. Please click "Remix" on any of the games above in order to see the file structure, and how the app uses JSON config files in order to render Koji VCCs (Visual Customization Controls). These VCCs let non-coders customize and modify the games (to do things like turn this game into this game).

If you create a new game template that meets our specifications, we will pay you $500 USD per game. There is no limit on the number of games you can create for us, but additional games must be meaningfully distinct from each other in order to qualify for additional payment.

In order to be accepted, games must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Game must load properly in the Koji editor and publish correctly from the editor. We recommend remixing a scaffold, or remixing an existing game and simply deleting the game logic in the Koji editor and replacing it with your own game.

  • Game must include VCCs that allow people to remix and customize the game in meaningful ways (changing images, sounds, strings, and other game mechanics). Please remix some of the games on the "/create" page tor examples of what kinds of things should be abstracted into VCCs. Changes to VCCs should be reflected immediately in the live preview of the Koji Editor via hot reloading.

  • If appropriate, game should include a backend with a leaderboard. Take a look at the code of some of the sample games for examples of how to do this using an Express server.

  • Game must be responsive and work well on both desktop and mobile devices. Please make sure to test across browsers and devices. Game must work in Mobile Safari on iOS. If you do not have access to an iOS device, please join our Discord -- others in the community can help you to test and debug on iOS devices.

  • If game uses arrow keys, it should terminate propagation of those keypresses. Koji games render in iFrames, so pressing the down/up arrow keys when playing the game should not scroll the parent screen.

  • If a game has background audio/music, the music should not start playing until the user starts playing the game. No autoplay music on splash screens.

  • Game should feel compelling and fun to play. Use high-quality assets and pay attention to visual design. Use sounds when appropriate.

Join our Discord server to connect with other developers if you have questions about how to use the platform, or are looking for feedback/inspiration for your game.

Before you start working on your game, please apply using the application link and tell us a little bit about yourself, as well as give us a general idea of what you want to create. Don't worry, there's no lengthy interview process -- we just want to get a sense of what you want to build so we can make sure it meets our criteria before you start spending time working on it.

Once you've been approved (we try to process approvals within 72 hours), you will be given a link to a form where you can submit your game once it's finished, as well as your payment information. Once you've submitted your game, it will either be approved and you will be paid, or will be rejected with a list of required changes. After you make those changes, you can resubmit. Please make sure you share your game in Discord to get feedback from the community before submitting it to us for review.

Let this be a change of pace from boring CRUD apps -- be creative, have fun, and get paid to make games! :)