Backend Developer - Business Systems - remote

Posted 3 years ago  • Stockholm, Sweden

The team

Our Product Development team consists of around 50 very talented, motivated and humble product managers, engineers, designers and music experts. We strongly believe in Product-Led Growth where product itself is the primary driver of customer acquisition, conversion and expansion. To support that journey we are now strengthening our Business Systems and Content Services teams.

Business Systems plays a key role since payments are such an instrumental part in subscription services covering everything from product packaging, trials, promotions and payment methods. Our Content Services team develops all systems and services needed to ingest, enrich, recommend and serve the music. The team also makes sure our thousands of players all over the world can get content in a fast and reliable way.

Another perspective of this is “fair trade music”, where we believe that artists, composers, and songwriters should be compensated fairly. Both teams plays a crucial role in calculating royalty payments and reporting of these to labels and publishers. In other words, everything we do focus on scalability, maintainability, and the ability to design and build efficient, reliable and maintainable systems.

We strongly believe in self-organizing, autonomous teams with a high degree of responsibility, accountability and freedom. Therefore you will be involved in the team’s key decisions, both in architecture and development process, and share the responsibility to deliver superb solutions with your extremely dedicated colleagues.

We are a data driven company that combines larger strategic projects with smaller incremental improvements that fuels our different A/B tests. To do so, we utilize a variety of programming languages and platforms. Our services are written in Go, Scala and Elixir running on the Google Cloud Platform (App Engine and Kubernetes) and are tied together via REST, GraphQL, gRPC and PubSub. We utilize Cloud SQL and Cloud Firestore as our transactional data services. For monitoring and logging, we rely heavily on Loki and Grafana. For data processing, analysis and reporting we use Google Dataflow, BigQuery, DataStudio and Tableau. Our front-end is written in JavaScript (ES6) and built around React and Redux. All our teams are full-stack oriented and are responsible for a particular domain end-to-end. In this particular role, you will mostly work with back-end services written in Go either running on AppEngine or on Kubernetes, but you will also work with monitoring, logging and data processing/analysis. We strongly believe in infrastructure as code, why we define and create all our services’infrastructure using Terraform.


We are now looking for a driven Software Engineer that will help us create a world-class music platform.

Plan and design. You will often work in cross-functional teams to solve the task at hand. We believe that you, if needed, could architect and design required systems, services and components. Scalability is one of our core values and our services must scale both in terms of performance and maintainability.

Develop. You will mainly work with Go and Scala developing backend services running in Kubernetes and Dataflow pipelines to process data on the Google Cloud Platform. We keep our data in NoSQL databases (Cloud Datastore), relational SQL databases (Cloud SQL/Postgres), data analysis databases (BigQuery) and file storage (Cloud Storage).

Monitor. Your team owns their respective services and deployments –why monitoring and alerting is key. Here we mainly work with Grafana and Prometheus but also Google BigQuery and DataStudio.

Learn. You will be part of a team that moves fast and continuously tries new techniques and adopts best practices. Having said that, we don't put much weight on knowing the exact tools we use, rather focusing on understanding the concepts and being able to quickly learn and adapt.

You're friendly, pragmatic, professional, communicative, precise and fun to work with. You are probably comfortable with describing yourself as:

  • An excellent communicator –inside the team, as well as outside of it. You love to discuss different solutions and strategies for technical challenges.
  • Being used to working independently and planning your own time and efforts.
  • Believing that having diversity in perspective and experience will make for a better workplace for employees and a better product for our users.
  • Always looking to learn more.
  • A person with an agile mindset who is comfortable thinking outside the box.
  • An open person who says what you mean and means what you say.

Ready to get your hands dirty and join a team of doers! If you ticked some or most of the boxes above, please don't hesitate to apply!