DevOps Engineer - remote

Posted 3 years ago
Stack Overflow

We are looking for the best DevOps Engineer for our team. Some people get the best jobs because they have the right network of friends, ex-colleagues or family. But there are many people without that luck and never have that opportunity.

This is your opportunity!


Have you ever wanted to work in a values-first company, with open-source and community-trusted products, privacy and security being the core features of what you do? This is our offering:

  • We do everything open-source, publicly, and engage heavily with the community
  • We have a continuous improvement process where feedback is asked regularly and acted upon
  • We are a flat organization. Any opinion or approach can be challenged, even if it comes from the CEO, team lead, or any other person around
  • We invest in secure and private solutions - both for internal tooling and our product
  • We aim for transparency (public company structure, public info pages, we’re moving to a public chat place at the moment)

We believe that this provides the structure to scale our organization, innovate our technology and attract top talent as we strive to change the world towards a better future. These values apply to how we work and the philosophy of the solutions we create. People make the product!

Background of the product and company

Despite generating more data than ever, our data has less utility to us than ever before because it’s siloed and can’t be manipulated or visualized. Furthermore, existing platforms are designed to capture our attention, manipulate and divide us, and prevent us from efficiently meeting our goals. Put simply, the incentives of tech companies are not aligned with their users.

Memri aims to fix this, giving utility to your data by having it all in one place. Rather than being designed to simply capture your attention, Memri is designed to improve your relationship with technology and empower you with new tools that are useful for your day-to-day life.

Our mission is to empower people by unlocking the potential of their data. We want to create a world where the incentives of technology are aligned with the users. Where people own and control their own data and are “the rulers of their own dataverse,”and can manage this data with a digital assistant which helps them actually make sense of it all.

We are organized as a values driven cooperative that prioritizes people and our planet over profit. We aim to have a global and positive impact on people’s lives by creating technology that works for people, instead of trying to extract data or money from them. We value open and open source software. We look for strong values-driven people who share our vision. We look forward to telling you more about our vision, our values and what we are building.


We are looking for a DevOps Engineer to join our team with a focus on hosting, Infrastructure automation and CI/CD optimization. You will be the main person responsible for these tasks, inheriting some of our current GitLab pipelines. We’re developing in a publicly visible Gitlab ( We have a world-class product, engineering, and data science team, passionate about our mission of helping consumers take back the control of their digital life, by creating simple yet powerful and private solutions.


  • See automation across all the things!
  • All-rounded, interested in the application layer, server layer, etc
  • Constantly analyze and validate the security aspects of the system
  • Communicate all findings with the team, work on improvement together
  • Eager to participate in industry’s best practices: receive and provide code reviews, write documentation, etc

Technical Requirements

You don’t have to know all of the technologies, but knowing one of the alternatives in most of the groups is good already (presuming you’d be willing to gradually learn anything else you might need):

  • Take a leadership role in developing infrastructure to improve the speed of our organization
  • We’re using Docker, but any container runtime experience is welcomed
  • We’re using Docker-compose and aiming for Kubernetes, but any container orchestration technology counts
  • We’re on Gitlab CI, but any CI experience would be good (Jenkins / Travis / CircleCI / Github Actions)
  • Our staging is on DigitalOcean, but your cloud experience would be greatly valued (AWS / Azure / GCP / Heroku)
  • Experience with any billing/payment system is a plus (e.g. KillBill)
  • Understanding of security principles and hygiene
    • Or security groups and firewalls
    • Or access controls for services
    • Or HTTPS termination and transit encryption
    • Or container/instance/cluster hardening
    • Or securing data at rest
    • Or all of the above!
  • General best practices: version control with Git, automation, code reviews
  • Be available to apply coding when components do not work together out of the box yet (e.g. internal inter-connection components)
  • Be open to communicate with the rest of the team on the choices and processes. Research directions and approaches together in a team, listening and being aware of the other side in a technical problem

Timezone / remote work?

We are a remote team and your location is not as important as your timezone. We have a short standup at 10:00 Amsterdam/Europe time, and we expect you to be online for 6 hours of the 10:00 - 18:00 range, of the same time zone. We value each other’s time and flexibility, and we allow for (rare) emergencies and try to schedule meetings only if they’re convenient for all participants. We do not require being present outside of this time frame, we believe your life outside your professional commitments should be enjoyed, and time to rejuvenate is critical to thriving. That’s why we also work flexibly during the month. You commit your time for a specific number of hours during a month and you can work during the times that are most productive for you.


As an early organization we offer a base salary with a large stake in the future upside of our effort. Our leadership has successfully started and sold previous startups, and although we have chosen an approach that puts our values first, and profit second, we still expect a good future financial outcome as well. We offer a creative, highly participatory environment without the classical top-down hierarchy. We value that each candidate brings their own unique mix of skills and experience.

We have several team meetings to learn from each other and see the whole product, but also to grow ourselves by giving and receiving feedback but also to give and receive appreciation.

Hope to see your application letter soon!