Senior Devops Engineer - remote

Posted 3 years ago  • Paris, France

Leveraging your experience in building and maintaining complex AWS-based infrastructures, you will be in charge of managing our core shared services (network, CI/CD infrastructure, etc.), providing guidance to feature teams, and ensuring the security and compliance of the platform (ISO27001/SOC2).

We are looking for someone who is eager to:

  • Collaborate with other engineers to ship new features
  • Be in charge of the overall infrastructure and security of a SaaS platform
  • Ensure that we have the right structure in place to allow feature teams to ship new features in a scalable and secure way
  • Share his/her knowledge of operations and best practices with other teams and act as an internal consulting expert
  • Keep learning new technologies and be on the look-out for new ideas that we should try out

What we are looking for

  • Experience with managing high traffic platforms on AWS with scalability best practices (autoscaling, spot instances, container-based scaling, etc.)
  • Deep experience with infrastructure-as-code tools (Cloudformation, Terraform)
  • Experience with managing AWS organizations and shared services (VPCs, permissions, cross-account resources, etc.)
  • Experience with managing CI/CD infrastructure with Gitlab or similar tools
  • Experience with security best practices and ISO27001/SOC2 requirements and certifications
  • Quality-oriented mindset: testing, code reviews, code quality, etc.
  • Obsession with automation and transparency
  • A passion for simple, maintainable and readable code that balances pragmatism and performance

How do we build our products?

For the frontend, we have adopted the micro-frontends architecture with single-spa for building our user interface. Each team has the freedom to pick their own framework (Angular/React) for the frontend they need to build. All SPAs we build get plugged into our shell. We also build a multitude of SDKs from Web and Mobile (iOS, Android) to CTV and Unity.

For the backend, we have multiple services (APIs and Lambdas) written in Javascript and Typescript. We leverage PostgreSQL and DynamoDB as our main databases and manage our infrastructure with Terraform and Cloudformation. The principles of infrastructure-as-code are very important to us and we commit everything including KMS-encrypted secrets. Our most important services have 100% code coverage and we deploy our pipeline runners on GCP on a Kubernetes cluster.

We process hundreds of millions of requests per day and are building our analytics platform on Kinesis Firehose, AWS S3, EMR jobs, and TimescaleDB to provide performant analytics for our clients. Internally we use Athena and Redash.

We rely on a multitude of AWS/GCP services for building, deploying, serving, monitoring, and scaling our services. We use Gitlab for our code and CI/CD. To manage our issues we use Jira.

Our vision as a team

We are building a product and engineering team that is strongly committed to a high level of quality in our products and code. We believe that automation is the key to consistently achieving that along with velocity of development, joy and pride in what we deliver.

At Didomi we are organized into feature teams and work with 2-week sprints. We do our best to avoid pointless meetings. The majority of the engineering team works remotely from all over the world, the only hard requirement is a 4-hour overlap with CET working hours.

We rely on automated tests of all sorts (unit, integration, linters, you-name-it!) and continuous integration/delivery to build flexible applications that are able to evolve without breaking. We trust that it enables engineers to focus on the quality of their code and iterate fast without fears of breaking stuff. And when we break stuff, we fix it and learn from our mistakes.

Hiring process

Our hiring process has the following steps:

  • An intro call with an Engineering Manager or the CTO
  • A code challenge to design a simple distributed system on AWS. This is used as the basis of discussion for the next step. We also accept suitable open-source projects in place of the challenge.
  • A 1h code review session and architecture discussion with 3-4 Didomi engineers
  • A set of 1:1 30-minute calls with the CTO, engineers, and a product manager

For the architecture discussion, we ask you to sketch an architecture (think of APIs, clients, queues, jobs, etc) and discuss options and trade-offs as we would on a normal day at Didomi.

We understand you already have a job, obligations (and maybe a personal life!) so we'll work with you to make sure it doesn't take up too much of your time while still providing a good basis for a very concrete discussion.