Variphy Inc
Last update:
3 years ago

Variphy Inc - remote jobs

Who We Are Variphy is the market leader in unified collaboration and communications analytics software for the most prominent global companies within every industry vertical.  By design, our team is relatively small, but highly skilled, extremely collaborative, and efficient - all of which fuel our success.  Our team is distributed throughout the United States and we all work from home.  We have no office and don’t have any plans for one.   We collaborate in real-time extremely well over chat, voice, and video with the latest/greatest tech stack and toolset - Slack, Google GSuite, Jira/Confluence, Git, etc.  We're headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area but our team is 100% remote and distributed throughout the United States. We have no office, and no plans for one. We collaborate in real-time over chat, voice, video, and other tools like Google G Suite, Slack, Cisco Webex, and Jira.
Enterprise Java/React Software Developer
3 years ago