Perch Security, Inc.
Last update:
3 years ago

Perch Security, Inc. - remote jobs

Founded in 1982 as pioneer in IT services, ConnectWise is the leading provider of business automation software for technology solution providers (TSPs). The IT software company empowers TSPs to achieve success in their As-a-Service business with intelligent software, expert services, an immersive IT community, and a vast ecosystem of integrations. The ConnectWise platform provides unmatched flexibility that fuels profitable, long-term growth for their ecosystem of partners. With an innovative, integrated, and security-centric platform, ConnectWise enables TSPs to drive business efficiency with business automation, IT documentation, and data management capabilities, while increasing revenue using remote monitoring, security, and backup disaster recovery technologies. ConnectWise continues to grow rapidly – they are a “Rule of 50” business with expanding EBIDTA margins and consistent year-over-year growth, resulting both from organic growth and acquisitions. The Company’s world-class global team has more than 2,400+ employees across 16 locations. ConnectWise is a privately held company with corporate headquarters in Tampa, FL.
Senior Python Developer
3 years ago