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3 years ago

MobileCoin - remote jobs

Currency fills two essential roles in our lives: it serves as a medium of exchange and as a store of value. The physical representation of money is not particularly important, whether it’s shells or coins or database entries. Ideally money would be free to produce and exchange, and impossible to counterfeit. Cryptocurrency gets us close to this ideal but also brings fundamental questions of trust to the forefront. You currently trust both governments and banks to not steal your money (either directly or through excessive inflation), to avoid unreasonable invasion of your economic privacy, and to not unreasonably interfere in your ability to transact with other people. Will you be able to trust cryptocurrency too? It seems inevitable that cryptocurrencies will eventually replace physical money. The balance of power between individuals and governments will remain as a political question. At MobileCoin, we believe governments have a legitimate interest in regulating the economic lives of their citizens. Good monetary policies help keep economies healthy and currency controls help fight criminals and terrorists. Our job is to create high performance cryptocurrency technology that can transparently encompass the trade-offs that societies choose.
Sr. Site Reliability Engineer - MobileCoin - Highflying Crypto Startup
3 years ago