Huddle HQ
Last update:
4 years ago

Huddle HQ - remote jobs

Huddle is a radical new take on online collaboration. It shows your video as a bubble on a virtual office that you always leave in the background. You can move around like in a video game, and only hear people around you — allowing everybody in the company to be in the same space, but in different meetings. It reproduces the feeling of being together in the same office. You can move from room to room to check in on teams, and you get the same serendipitous encounters you do in the office. Users are raving about it. Actual quotes from them include: Damn THIS IS FUCKING SICK Holy shit!!!! You guys are in the right direction like CRAZY. We’ve been waiting for this for 10 years. There’s no way back. (I swear I did not change or make up a single character from these testimonials — I was surprised myself at how darn passionate people are about us.)


  • Fully remote — work from wherever!
  • Competitive compensation
  • Health coverage
  • Fun environment — we only hire good people :)
  • Fascinating product and technical challenge