Grassroots Technologies, Inc
Last update:
4 years ago

Grassroots Technologies, Inc - remote jobs

Grassroots Technologies, Inc. Grassroots Technologies, Inc. (‘GRT’) is a privately owned, technical specialist group incorporated as an independent entity in spring, 2000. The company is a low overhead, lean, and nimble organization, consisting of highly skilled individuals who value Open Source and Best-of-Breed technologies when bringing our clients the best possible solutions. Our clients and associated development work are Mobile, Internet/Intranet Internet, Enterprise and Desktop focused, based primarily in the Metro New York Area. The goal of Grassroots is to be the company of choice when our clients and technology partners are asked for referrals. We aim for the New York Internet Community to be of the mindset that “Grassroots Technologies, Inc. is a company which has proven it can get the job done and are a pleasure to work with”. All feedback to date, from the very influential clients we have retained, clearly indicates we are heading towards our goal.  GRT is a very close-knit group that has seen sustained success to over time. We take our work focus and interpersonal relationships very seriously;the result is a consistent level of quality service to our clients. It is this dedication to our work and our people that results in the high level of performance and expertise that is our competitive advantage. As a result, our recruiting activity is controlled, focusing on only the most promising of candidates.


  • Extensive Experience
  • Interpersonal Loyalty
  • Respect for Individual
  • Deep Technology Exposure
  • Flexible Work Conditions