Last update:
3 years ago

Biomage - remote jobs

We are a team of mission oriented software engineers and researchers who are trying to accelerate scientific research by: Cutting down single cell data analysis time from several months to one week. Making single cell sequencing analysis available to every biologist to do entirely themselves. At the moment, our biggest customers are Harvard Medical School, Glasgow Polyomics and Edinburgh Genomics who are also the early adopters of our platform. We also have a long waiting list of more customers eager to use the platform! We are building a single cell sequencing platform in the cloud. The platform automates all analysis tasks that currently can be done only by a bioinformatician with specialised knowledge of single cell sequencing. A demo video of the current state of the platform and what it can do is available here. There are lots of software engineering and bioinformatics challenges left to solve. Come and join us so we can tackle them together!
Full-stack Software Engineer
3 years ago  • £40k - 90k (British Pounds)