Last update:
1 year ago

Applied - remote jobs

Applied’s Engineering team is building the future of recruitment - helping teams hire the best person for the job regardless of their background. Using behavioural science and data in the hiring process and redesigning the hiring experience to put candidates first and focus on the skills that really matter in a role. The results: 👩‍💻    50% more women hired into tech roles through Applied 🎉    2-4x increase in attraction and selection of gender and ethnically diverse candidates 🤩    60% of candidates hired through Applied would have been overlooked in a traditional hiring process ❤️    9/10 average candidate experience rating In the past few years hundreds of thousands of candidates have applied through our platform to roles at organisations such as Penguin Random House, Comic Relief, Buildkite, Wellcome Trust and HM Government. We’ve helped companies hire thousands of great people that would have been overlooked otherwise! Interested in joining us?Well we practice what we preach - it’d be weird if we didn’t use our own system to hire! So when you apply you won’t need a CV (because they don't work) instead you’ll answer a couple of work-sample questions (these are research-proven to be the most effective way to evaluate peoples skills). You can read more about how we like to treat candidates applying to jobs with us like humans (and get an insight into the process) here.


  • Share Options plan
  • Additional parental leave
  • Flexible Working
  • Wellness Programs
  • Pension
  • Pet-friendly office
  • Additional Holiday
  • Regular Tech Learning and Development Days